Friday, July 24, 2009

First Post!

So I'm a little late to the whole wedding blog thing, but seeing all of the knotties blogs (especially Melissa's) pushed me to start my own! Since I'm bad at this as it is, I'm rolling 2 blogs into one. So this is my wedding/fitness blog. In my opinion, getting my body in shape for the wedding dress is almost as hard as planning the wedding.
When it comes to fitness, well, I hate it. When I'm out of shape, I really hate even leaving the house. Which is why I got EA Active for Wii. I had Wii Fit and ended up selling it to my mom because it just wasn't getting me motivated enough. I saw ads for EA Active and that they had the Bob Greene 30-Day Challenge and thought that maybe it was more up my alley. Well, I'm on day three and the answer is YES! I absolutely love it so far! There are structured workouts and each exercise is quick and varied. I'm one of those people that needs to be told what to do next, not given a choice. There is also tons fo positive reinforcement (you get little awards in your award gallery! Yes, I'm a huge sucker for things like that!). As much as I've tried the treadmill at the gym, I just get too bored....Once I'm in better shape I'm going to try the couch to 5K with the rest of the girls, but until I'm brave enough to sweat out in public, I'll be staying in the house...

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