Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Broad Recap

SO the big wedding weekend is over and we are both a big bag of mixed emotions. Where to start? Well, I got to the beach early and had the opportunity to relax and get my thoughts together and de-stress. Robert on the other hand, got there on Thursday and was so busy until after the wedding that he didn't have time to breathe. It turned out that I was the calm one and ended up calling him a few times to call him down. I was in this weird zen place where there was no stress. The whole thing felt like a big dream.I also took advantage of the fact that there were a lot of people to help me and didn't hesitate to ask for help when needed. Remember soon-to-be brides,there is nothing wrong with asking people to help you out! Don't put it all on your own shoulders. So, the rain was a huge issue. It started to rain about 20 minutes before our outdoor ceremony. That meant we had to re-do the reception room at the last minute and just my luck, the restaurant was on a wait so the reception/lobby area was already packed with non-guests. Great. So before the ceremony was pure chaos and everyone wanted to stop and have a conversation with me. At that point, I just threw up my hands and said to the owner of the restaurant, "Just tell me where to be and when to go. Please don't ask me any more questions". Just had to give up control because otherwise I would have lost my mind.It turns out that the ceremony was much more intimate and beautiful inside than it would have been outside. Everything happens for a reason! During the ceremony, it stopped raining and we were able to take pictures outside.

There were a ton of other cute stories and ridiculous drama (the best man's wife threw a hissy because she didn't like where she was seated), but we were way too happy and mushy to notice anything negative. I know that we've all heard people say that on the day of, you won't notice all the small things that go wrong and if you do they won't matter. I never thought that I would be able to let go enough to be that person, but I was. When the first dance music got totally messed up (wrong song started twice, beginning of the song got cut off, the song cut off early and all you heard was feedback), me and Robert were so busy laughing and dancing that we didn't care.

The day wasn't at all what either of us expected it to be, but we loved it. At the end of the day, the pictures say everything!

As of this moment, 3 days after the wedding, my lovely husband is having a hard time. He doesn't get to to see his family and friends very often. He was so overwhelmed and happy that he is having some trouble with the fact that the whole exciting weekend is over. We are calling it "party withdrawals". I think this is why people take honeymoons right after the wedding. It's a good time to decompress and recover from the best party you'll ever have. Instead we are sitting in our apartment surrounded by stuff and trying to figure out what just happened. Don't get me wrong, we are incredibly happy to be married, there is just this weird feeling we are both having that no one prepared us for. I guess all anyone wants to talk about is all the wonderful and happy stuff. I promise, it's not all roses. We are slightly depressed that it is all over, especially since it all happened so fast!

When I have my wits about me and can focus for more than a few minutes, I will go into more wedding details and maybe even give out a lil "if I had known then what I know now" advice. Until then, be sure to check out http://emilyandrobertswedding.shutterfly.com/ password:taleofthewhale.

Be in touch!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Little Bit of Good Luck and Some Bridezilla Moments

So the wedding is in less than a week! I am leaving for the beach on Tuesday, so tomorrow will be my last day in town to tie up loose ends!
I was really scared that I would be the eating a lot because of the stress (which I have been known to do). Instead, the gods have smiled on me and completely destroyed my appetite. Unhealthy, I know, but helpful! When I do manage to choke some food down, I'm trying to make sure that it's really healthy. Yogurt, salads, grilled chicken, etc. I hate keeping a scale, so I'm not sure if I've lost any weight. I feel thinner, but that might just be my head telling me that since I haven't been eating very much. I've also been trying to take Bodie (my dog) on some nice long walks when the weather is nice. In fact, Robert and I went to Weaver Street Market today for brunch and walked around with him. Very nice and relaxing...
So, my bridezilla moment. I went to pick up my dress from my seamstress, who is incredibly talented and wonderful. She made me a gorgeous asymmetrical double french bustle (try saying that 5 times fast!). It was so different that she took a picture of the final product and put it into her "bustle scrapbook". What I wasn't expecting was that there would be a dress hook on the outside of the dress and all the points would be visible when the bustle was let out. So I've got my two sides working over time. The rational side of me says that my dress will be bustled most of the time and that when it's not, no one will be looking at my train hard enough to see those small details. Even if they do, they won't care. The bride part of me is freaking because it doesn't look as beautiful as it did before and I feel like everyone will be staring at those little pieces of thread on the back of my dress. I'm sure there are some of you out there who deal with these split-personalities right before the wedding. Well, my crazy side is a little too powerful at the moment. The dress is being kept where I can't get to it so I don't sit there and stare at the train like an obsessed bride.
I also made a HUGE mistake with the time of the ceremony and just figured it out on Friday. So, I thought that sunset was at 7:15 PM, so I scheduled the ceremony for 7:00 PM so that there would be a nice red sky. Pretty, right? Well, turns out that sunRISE is at 7:15 AM and sunSET is at 6:30 PM. Oh shit. That's exactly what I want, to get married in the dark. At least they won't see the points on my train, right? Well, I'd rather people see the points than get married in the dark and I can't afford outdoor lighting at the last minute. So, it looks like I have to move the ceremony up. So anyone that's been married knows how hard it is to move everything up an hour a week before the wedding. I've been scrambling to get it done and notify all the guests. I think we have all the bases covered, but now that nagging feeling that I'm missing something has gotten that much worse because I've made a last minute change.
Today, my mother has decided that we need to shop for her dress. For the fifth time. She's tried on more dresses than I did when I was looking for my dress. Sweet jebus. It's gonna be a long week...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I have not been working out. At all. I was doing so so well on EA Active until one of my bridesmaids came into town for my first bachelorette party. Totally lost my momentum and have only done it a couple times since then. I also came down with a really nasty bug and got laid off and have been so insanely stressed about money (like we all are) and the wedding.
With less than 10 days until the wedding, I think it is apparent that I have given up on losing a certain amount before the wedding. I have been making a big effort to eat better and I have lost a little weight doing that. I feel as though I should be writing on here more often. I guess I feel like if I'm not working out, I can't write? I don't know. I see other girls' blogs out there and to be honest, it's kind of intimidating. I LOVE reading them. They're funny and interesting. It's a lot to live up to! I'm thinking way too much about people's perception of me via a blog. How silly is that?
I say that to say this: I'm going to try to write more often. Even if it's not about fitness or the wedding. Well, in a couple weeks there won't be any more wedding planning to speak of (yay!). So, I guess the title should be changed to something like: Random Thoughts of a Newlywed. Alls I know is that I'm going to start writing like no one is reading.